Tuesday, March 6, 2007



One one hand, the name sounds extremely cheesy. On the other hand- tantalizing! I think its a name that might have some mental-stickiness, we will see as time goes by!

You can see the picture of my cat on the right over there (at least until I change the template) if you want an idea about how he looks. He's all black, and to me looks like a small panther. Oh, and his name is Meow.

Meow has an interesting story. We (my wife and I) didn't really plan to have a cat living with us. We were friendly with the local vet who had taken care of our pet hamster until he died. We had stopped in to say hello, and she introduced us to this beautiful black cat that was abandoned. Well, actually his previous owned died, but someone stupidly just let him out to fend for himself. Grrrrrrrr.

Long story short, he was the sweetest cat I had ever met, and my wife and I decided right there to adopt him. He's been a part of our little family for about 2 years now, and he has really enriched our lives. Adult cats can make for great adoptions too!

Well, that's it for now. Hopefully, as Meow gets through some school, he will be able to manage this blog for me. I don't know what he'll talk about. Maybe how he hates when the toys escape under the couch, or what new sleeping position he found. Who knows! Come back and see!

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