Friday, March 9, 2007

Cat Entertainment

OK, so I'm looking into ways to stimulate my cat mentally that I haven't tried yet. I'm not a big fan of television anyway, and I never thought the "boob-tube" was an ideal tool for learning or interaction with kids, so using it to entertain my cat was a new concept for me as well.

Cats are watchers by nature. I know my cat will sit at the window for hours, motionless, watching anything and everything that passes by his field of vision. Birds, squirrels, flying bugs, leaves blowing by - they are all great fun for him.

That got me wondering if any of these cat entertainment videos would be fun for him to watch. He does watch the animal shows on TV when there are birds or geckos running around, so maybe a video would be fun too.

I did some research, and its hard to say what to expect. Most of these videos are still on VHS, and if you read some of the ratings for them, well, it seems people either love or hate them.

I'm going to order a cat entertainment video, I won't say which just now because I want to be fair after I and more importantly, Meow watch it. Then, we'll post a review to let you know what we think.

In the meantime, do you have any cat entertainment favorites? Any DVDs or VHS tapes the your cat simply loves? Let me know!