Sunday, March 25, 2007

Water. More water.

Meow needs to drink more, and so I dove into history to try and find an answer!

Cats apparently are little desert guys. They originate from arid places and it is widely accepted that cats had an important role in ancient Egypt where the mythical cat Bast was goddess of the home.

Recently, a 9,500 year-old burial site was discovered on Cyprus, that held the remains of a human along with a cat! This seems to indicate that cats as pets predate the Egyptians by at least 4000 years!

So people and cats have been hanging around together for a LONG time!

I am still trying to figure out why cats don't drink enough water, and so I thought history might help. I was thinking that cats, originating from arid areas such as Egypt, might not get the "urge" to have water. Maybe their physiology is programed to assume water is not always available, so over the eons that urge to drink has been dulled. Maybe.

I'm sure I'm way off - but its interesting none the less!

I've been reading about how other people get their cats to drink more, and there are some ideas that seem to work. The first idea is to put out more water bowls. For some reason, cats might not be thinking about water, but during the course of their travels if they happen upon a bowl of water, they might stop for a drink. Kind of like an impulse shopper, influenced by a creative advertisement!

The other idea is these new fountain things. Makes sense. Cats seem to like drinking from dripping bathtub or sink faucets, right? So maybe water is more appealing to them if it appears to be moving rather than as a stagnant puddle like in a bowl. Another trick?

I found one that I think I am going to try. Its a fountain by Petmate that gets pretty good reviews. If you would like to see it, there is a link to it from Meow's Squidoo cat page! I'll see how he likes it and do a review here!

Have any tips that have worked to get more H2O into your cat? Post it here!

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