Thursday, March 8, 2007

Cat with Rabies

I don't want to get stuck on this issue for too long, but on today's Suffolk News Herald web site,there was a report of a stray cat that was tested for rabies and fount to be infected with the deadly virus.

The report indicates that three people who may have come in contact with the infected animal, are undergoing treatment. I think that the treatment for rabies is a little better nowadays, but I am pretty sure that previously, one would have to get a series of painful needles in the stomach to be treated for exposure. Ouch!

This is another example of why people need to keep their pet cats inside, and to also make sure that their cat's rabies vaccinations are up to date. This is important because even if your cat is kept indoors, there is always a chance he could get out either accidentally, or for some other reason. (BTW, picture is not of rabid cat!)

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