Friday, April 6, 2007

Lactulose needed!

I know this is getting old, but in Meow's life, its BIG news!

The whole effort to relieve Meow's constipation situation was not really helped with the fiber and wet food additions to his diet. Oh well. Time for professional cat health assistance!

We took Meow the cat to our beloved vet and explained to her our situation. Meow the cat was pooping, but it was obviously uncomfortable for him, and it looked like it would become even more uncomfortable if we didn't act soon!

The Doctor gave Meow the standard once-over - eye check, ear check, listen to his heart, look at teeth, squeeze belly, check weight....Meow did fine in all areas of general health, except he's a "little chubby" now according to the Vet. Another problem and another post! Poor Meow!

The Doctor listened to us and then decided to check Meow for stuck poop I guess, because she took a thermometer and well, inserted it. Needless to say, Meow the cat did not like this intrusion but he endured like the good cat that he is (I hope he doesn't mind me posting this about him!) and let her "probe".

Somehow by examining with this thermometer, our Vet indicated that his poops were too hard and she would like him to get something called "Lactulose" that would have to be administered twice per day. This lactulose stuff is a liquid, and would have to be administered to our cat orally. THAT should be fun!

Another post for another day!

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