Saturday, April 7, 2007

Cats more popular than Dogs?

I came across an interesting article today that was so timely it spooked me a bit! Just last week, I was discussing with a coworker that I thought there were more pet cats in the US than dogs. My coworker, having two dogs of her own, didn't see how that was possible - "EVERYONE has dogs!" - she said. Well, yes, but apparently MORE people own cats, and now someone has numbers to support that claim.

Now don't get me wrong, I love dogs too. I had the privilege of growing up in a house that had cats AND dogs, so I know that cats and dogs are different types of pets with different pros and cons. I'll also admit that I am (was) a reluctant cat owner. My wife and I happened to be in the right place at the right time when we adopted our adult cat from the Vet, and a cat was the best fit for us considering our lifestyle.

We live in a small house, and as much as I would love to have a dog for a pet, my experience with them taught me that they require a higher level of care than cats (time we didn't have) - typically dogs need more room, more exercise, trips outside in all kinds of weather to do their business. I just wasn't ready for all that! We did, however want a pet, and so a cat fit our lifestyle perfectly.

Cats are smaller, quieter, cleaner, neater and less in need of interaction which is a good thing if you work, or are in school or whatever. Our cat Meow pretty much sleeps all day in his little basket, and so I don't think he really cares where we are during the day - so long as we come home with some treats for him!

Cats, for many of the reasons I just listed, are more likely to be allowed as pets in places like apartments or condos - and people often have several cats whereas most dog owners I know have only one. So, to me, it seemed completely reasonable that more cats were pets than dogs. Cats are accepted in more places!

There are many good reasons to choose a cat over a dog, but, the most important reasons for choosing one over the other should concern whether or not you can properly care for the cat or dog, and provide it the love and attention that it will need. Cats can be less demanding on your personal attention level to them than dogs, but cats need to be shown love and affection as well. You just cant get a cat and forget about it!

I try to make time each night to play with Meow. Either letting him chase the red dot from the laser -pointer, or throwing a cat toy around with him - I give him time and attention. Dogs, from my experience, need more than that - which is fine - it just has to fit. If you can not spend the time needed with a dog, think about a cat.

It breaks my heart that there are pug rescue organizations,or border collie rescue organizations because people buy pets that do not fit their lifestyle. Its a shame. People really need to think it through. I adore border collies, but I know I would never be able to spend the time that it required to keep one healthy and stimulated.

So, even though I still consider myself a "dog person", I have no regrets whatsoever in having Meow as a pet cat. He's been a great addition to our lives and, for our particular lifestyle at this time, a perfect fit!

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